Two-Page Letter from Mary S. Anthony to Mrs. Ella Hawley Crossett [Letter]
The letter reads:
“Rochester, N.Y. March 14, 1892
Dear Mrs. Crossett
Your letter here, but the interesting bill was not in it. The petition, with its hundred or so more names was in, so I suppose that was thought to be the important paper instead of the other.
No matter, only the first time you are down town, you can forward it to me. I only had one copy.
Did the praying do the business of getting the temperance candidates elected? I hope so.
The third party people here insisted upon voting for a third party set of candidates, and then the Democrats were enabled to elect their saloon-keeper candidate for Alderman. It is too bad.
Susan B. says you will find speeches of Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Hooker on Universal Suffrage in the History. She thought she could turn right to one of the best of Mrs. Hooker, but failed.
One of the best arguments on that side – Mrs. Colby was liked a very much, she makes a strong argument from the Wyoming stand point.
With love & best wishes
Mary S. Anthony”
Susan B. Anthony Memorial Collection at the University of Rochester, Rare Books and Special Collections